Rising Damp Solution

Rising Damp Solution

Rising damp is when underground moisture gradually crawls up walls or brick through capillary action, causing the paint & plaster to pop off. This also results in mold. The wall behaves like a sponge that draws water up through capillary action.

The obvious signs of rising damp are a darker shade than the rest of the wall. Other indications are peeling paints & wallpaper, metal rust, and deterioration. In some cases, the occupant feels chest congestion and breathing difficulty.

To prevent rising dampness, we employ several powerful methods, below are a sample of 2 powerful but effective treatments.

Electro Osmotic Damp Proofing

This is a long-term scientific solution for rising water. The electro-osmotic proofing introduces a small electric charge into the wall. It uses titanium cathodes and anodes that dispel small charges into the wall and repels moisture molecules.

As long as the charge remains, the wall is free from dampness. It is very safe too.

Chemical Injection Rising Damp Treatment

This is the most economical way of treating rising damp. The chemical injection is a water repellent substance treatment. It is added to the wall under pressure & stops rising damp and retains the structural integrity of the building.

Once the injection is pumped on the wall, it converts to liquid, seeps into the wall, and creates a repellent barrier that stops the water from rising similar to DPC


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