Mould Removal Solution

Mold Removal Solution

Moulds are a tell-tale sign that the integral structure of your building needs an immediate check.

Moulds do not appear except you have serious moisture or water leakage problem within the building’s structure.

What is mold?

It is a fungus that feeds and grows in moist conditions in a house. Typically moulds are common in damp areas like underneath the kitchen sink and bathrooms.

However, when you start observing mold around the home, it is time to book an inspection now!

Mold is also common in overcrowded buildings and poorly-ventilated homes. If your home suffered a flood and was not dried out properly, serious mold is the outcome.

How we operate

Conduct a thorough inspection

During the inspection, we take conduct various samples & testing. This allows us to give you the right treatment to tackle the root of the problem. Our professional team is well-trained, experienced, and knowledgeable in identifying moulds & Dampness. We do not limit ourselves to what we see. Our team conducts a comprehensive check to get rid of the problem once and for all.

Our professional counsel

We will draft a detailed report and offer our unbiased professional counsel on the best treatment for the long term.

Remember that each report and solution differ with the building and the level of destruction caused by the mold.

Go for our Three Step Mold Remediation Solution

If your building is badly devastated by mold and needs immediate treatment, this is the option for you. Although it looks like a quick method, it is potent. We, over the years, have developed stringent removal techniques to curb mold from its source.

Step 1 – Mold Exclusion

This process will remove mold from all surfaces, including walls and floorings.

Step 2 – Fogging

This process destroys the spores that cause mold. The fogging stage can be conducted throughout the building to eliminate any opportunity of mold sprouting in other areas.

Step 3 – Air Purification

The treatments used in eliminating mold do not necessarily smell pleasant. To ensure you are comfortable in your home, we purify the air to remove all residual odour, stench, and stink. Now you can step into a refreshing home, mold-free.


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