Condensation, Mould & Ventilation Solutions

Mold, Condensation & Ventilation

We have a very experienced professional team that will dig deep to determine why your property suffers from excess moisture and mold build-up. High condensation is the number one cause of mold growth & damp in a property.

What is condensation?

Dampness is a result of condensation. When the air becomes too humid, it allows for moisture to settle and cool beyond the dew point.

Indirectly condensation is the conversion of water vapour in the air to liquid as the surrounding air cools. Most homeowners consider condensation a minor problem, but they are wrong and mistaken about the impact of little droplets gathering in your home. It is the most difficult to tackle because lots of factors induce it. However, we have the best team on the ground to ensure your property is rid of condensation.

What causes of condensation?

While condensation tends to be a winter problem, it is mostly a lifestyle problem that happens year round. We live in homes with little or no proper ventilation. We draw curtains to receive sunlight, but fail to open our windows to let some air in. This causes moisture to gather and to seep into the ground, carpets, cabinets, causing a choking, damp odour.

Furthermore, Part F of the building regulation rule states that ventilation shall be provided to people in a building by limiting contamination and moisture content. Although this is a regulation it is very outdated and not very clear in it’s minimum standard.

When such rules are not met, people/property suffers greatly from condensation and mold problems. As such many building lacking proper ventilation, this gives rise to condensation and mold.

The Positive Input Ventilation System

When considering the right ventilation system for your property, the PIV or Positive Input Ventilation unit is one of the best. It enables proper air movement, preventing damp, mold, and condensation while circulating fresh air throughout the home.

What is the PIV?

Do you know that the average family of 4 generates over 100 pints of moisture weekly? This comes from breathing, cooking, steaming and washing, or other house chores. These are heat-retaining processes that increase humidity, condensation, dampness, and mold growth. It is not normally a problem if conventional passive ventilation systems can eradicate all this heat build-up in our homes.

The PIV or Positive input ventilation system work like an attic ventilation unit. It relies on positive pressure to remove stale, unhealthy, and damp air, and circulate fresh, pathogen-free, clean air from the outside into the house.

Basically, it is an air exchange system that reduces humidity, condensation, mold, and dampness. This super silent motorized unit is seated in the attic and accessible for maintenance.

Benefits of the PIV system

  • Reduces condensation, dampness, moisture, heat, and mold
  • Enables you to breathe easy
  • Enhances the air quality in your home
  • Sustainable and easy to maintain
  • Efficient and durable


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